Some Essential Health Tips For You:
1.Try to get enough sleep. Insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression.2. Eat a smaller dinner, Body may not digest food and burn fat efficiently when we take huge meal, as our metabolism is slower while we sleep.
3. Always try to calm down. Stress can make you feel the symptoms of acid reflux more acutely and in majority of people with acid reflux, stress is a common trigger.
4. A lack of protein in our diet can slow growth, reduce muscle mass, lower immunity, weaken the heart and respiratory system. Add protein rich foods in your diet.
5. Ease occasional indigestion by sipping a cup of ginger tea after meal. It improves flow of bile, which moves food through the digestive track more quickly.
6. Don't skip breakfast. A healthy breakfast is an important part of balanced diet and provides some vitamins and minerals which help people to maintain good health.
7. To improve your memory - sleep well, walk for 30 min daily, play games & solve puzzles, participate in group discussion, continually repeat what you have memorized.
8. To reduce a fever drink a couple of glasses of water, apply cold wet compress to the forehead and chest and take a long tepid bath or sponge bath.
9. Processed and junk foods are loaded with grains, sugar and unhealthy calories that increase your insulin level, which increases your risk of obesity and chronic disease.
10. Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with equal quantity of ginger juice. This helps to expectorate mucus, providing relief for the common cold, coughs and sore throat.
11. Daily intake of lemon water has several health benefits. It keeps your stomach healthy, act as cure for nausea, heart burning, indigestion, high BP, stress and depression.
12. For severe cough, mix tulsi juice with garlic juice and honey. A teaspoon of this mixture should be taken once in every three hours to treat excessive coughing.
13. Regular consumption of lemon helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge cancer causing harmful free radicals from the body.
14. People who don't take breakfast leads to have a lower blood sugar level leading to insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain, causing brain degeneration.
15. Smoking causes multiple brain damages and may leads to Alzheimer,s (loss of memory) disease. Quit smoking as soon as possible.
16. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common problem in our country. So, to increase iron in diet, include green leafy vegetables, pulses, dried fruits & nuts.
17. Teenagers with braces may need to use special toothbrushes and other oral hygiene tools to brush their teeth. Talk to your dentist or orthodentist.
18. Add fiber rich foods in your daily meal which helps to prevent constipation, lower the blood cholesterol level & lower the risk of intestinal cancer.
19. Lemon is good for stomach, excellent for skin & dental care, good for weight loss, controls high blood pressure& acts as a blood purifier. So, take lemon daily.
20. Don't cover toothbrushes in a closed container just after brushing; it can encourage the growth of bacteria. Let it be dry & then cover it.
21. Dates have high iron content and are very useful in treating anemia. The patients with iron deficiency, can eat dates for better advantages.
22. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. When you brush, don't rush. Take enough time to do a through job.
23. Fish is a good source of protein & also contains many vitamins & minerals which helps to prevent heart disease. So eat a wide variety of fishes daily.
24. Sleeping too late and walking up too late are among the main causes of liver damage. So sleep early and wake up early.
25. Fish is a good source of protein & also contain many vitamins & minerals which helps to prevent heart disease. So eat a wide variety of fishes daily in your diet.
26. Viruses & bacteria are the most common causes of sinus infection. To prevent the spread of sinus problems cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough.
27. For chronic sinusitis, drink hot liquids like tea or hot chicken soup. It will speed up the washing mucus out of your sinuses more quickly.
28. To check the freshness of your breath, lick your palm & smell it while it's still wet. If you smell something, it's time for a sugar- free breath mint.
29. Carry back bags instead of carrying heavy shoulder bags regularly. It may cause bad posture & stress across your neck & back muscles.
30. Healthy fats found in oils(such as olive oils), nuts & fish are great for your heart and your skin. Add them in your daily diet.
31. Try not to overeat. A bigger meal means your stomach must produce more acid to digest that food, which increases chances of getting heartburn & indigestion.
32. Don't overuse Antacids. It can cause the stomach to lose it's function by neutralizing stomach acid & levels it vulnerable to bacterial infections.
33. If you have a sore throat, gargle with warm salt water. Even if you don't have a sore throat, consider gargling to prevent cold symptoms.
34. Fats and sugar are the sources of energy for the body, but when we eat too much of them we consume more energy than we burn & this means that we put on weight.
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