Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Best Foods to Avoid Clogged Arteries of your Heart

Some heart-healthy foods truly act like medicine for your blood vessels,  and these are the best to eat and to prevent or reverse the heart disease.

Firstly: Break up with soda

Heart diseases might set in those people who drink many soft drinks and there causes a tend to gain weight, become diabetic and suffer premature heart blockages.Soft drinks also elevate the blood sugars, which coat fats and proteins, and then rendering them into a harmful form that damages your arteries.
So, try your best to give up soda. If you like to drink several a day then be realistic. Then you can start by swapping one with iced tea. Otherwise water it down by mixing half a glass with seltzer. Drink as less as much soda whether you get to the zero.

Secondly: Eat more and more vegetables 

Plant foods are always rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber as well, you know all of which are good for the heart. Asparagus and bell peppers , for example, are rich sources of  vitamin B, especially vitamin B6, which helps to lower the homocysteine (which is an amino acid and linked to the heart disease) and C-reactive protein. Carrots and tomatoes ( the fruits like oranges and bananas are rich in carotenoids including lycopene, which is an important antioxidant and it is helpful for our body. So make a practice for having vegetables in your daily diet and keep yourself from the heart disease.

Advice: Please eat one more serving of  vegetables and fruits than you had yesterday, and keep this up for at least a week. Next week, add another kind of serving. Keep doing this again and again until you’ve surpassed 5. It's Ideal if you can keep going until you hit somewhere between 8 to 12 servings.

Thirdly: Herbs and spices are great

Many herbs and spices are like the medicine for the body. They are concentrate from the plants, so they contain the same protective chemicals which plants use to ward off pests and heart disease.If we consume these chemicals from spices, they protect the
cells of our body from heart diseases too.

  •  The allium in garlic helps to improve blood cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and lower the risk of developing heart disease.
  •  Turmeric is rich in  cur cumin, which has been shown to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar.
  •  Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory herb that has been shown to  thin the blood.
  •  The sweet spice cinnamon may improve blood flow and help normalize blood sugar.

Fourthly: Select the best meat for you - if possible

Try to give up meat, and tell everyone to do the same. A great first step for you, Make sure the meat you do like to eat is as clear as possible. I mean meat that contains no  hormones, antibiotics, sodium, , nitrites, artificial colors pesticides or any kind of hidden additives. If you buy meat from the supermarket, you can look for the labels like “antibiotic and hormone free” which can reduce heart disease You also can buy meat those come from animals that dined on grass or any other natural food sources, not from those which consumed grain from  feedlot. Meat those come from grass-fed animals has the more healthy omega-3 fatty acids than the others.
Advice: Always consume vegetables or fruit with any type of meat. The healing plant chemicals may buffer some of the harmful effects of meat. Make the vegetables and fruits the biggest portion of your dinner plate, and meat for the garnishing of your plate.

Fifthly: Fish is the best

You can keep several types of fishes for the richest source of omega-3 fatty acids, that are known as reducing inflammation and heart rhythm disturbances, triglyceride levels of blood and high blood pressure and keep your body free from heart disease Diets rich in this fat can prevent the plaque from building up within your arteries. These fish are easy to get the good fats. These are : Sardines, Mackerel, Anchovies, Salmon, and Herring.

Advice: Try to eat fish twice a week, but avoid large fishes like swordfish which have high concentrations of mercury.

Sixth: Drink any kind of Tea

This is a rich source of plant substances, called flavonoids, which helps to neutralize oxidation in the body. Particularly, flavonoids in green tea, which is called catechins- protect our body cells and keeps your car engine humming. Black or green  tea can help to reduce all the symptoms of heart disease in several ways, such as:
  • blocking dietary cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream,
  • regulating levels of blood sugar, 
  • and soothing inflammation

Advice: Add one cup more in your daily routine than you already are.  If you are already a tea drinker, try to aim for three cups a day—one single cup with each meal.

Seventh: Coffee (cold or hot)

Without  artificial sweeteners and cream, coffee is naturally healthy for most people. A cup of dark coffee may actually lower the blood pressure rather than raise it keep your heart away from disease.

Advice: Limit yourself to no more than four cups a day.

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